Saniya Parks is a rising 10th grader from Naperville, IL. Although she is shy, she has never shied away from the stage. Up until her freshman year of high school, she focused more on training and competing in multiple styles of dance, including lyrical, contemporary, jazz, and hip hop. She has performed in several productions with Fairlady Productions: Into the Woods, Peter Pan, Bugsy Malone, and many more. Throughout middle school, she participated in honors choir, performed in Illinois All-State ILMEA auditioned choir and was cast in the production of The Little Mermaid. In high school, Saniya participates in the highly competitive show choir, which performs a set of six or more songs set to a theme, along with intense dancing. Her school, Waubonsie Valley, is a Grammy award winning gold signature school and has a spectacular theater program. She recently became a member of the highly selective Soundcheck Show choir. She also participated in the equally competitive unisex Girls in Heels her freshman year. She made it into her school's production of the musical Curtains. Saniya is excited to continue expanding her horizons as she joins Stagebound for the first time this year.